Friday, September 20, 2024


I found a time machine

In my back room

Which had been there for years

But it now suddenly appeared

In this suburban situation.

It was not a contraption

Of levers and dials

From HG Wells’ great imagination.

Nor the end of a space-time hole or crack

Which terminators could use

To go when and then again go  back.

It was only an old portfolio

Made of cardboard fabric and tape

Which was a portal to long passed days

When the artworks in it were made

Young boys sitting a maths exam

In nineteen thirty one

And the artist noted in at a later time

After the drawing was done

That one of the boys

Spat fire in the skies

Flying a fighter plane

Whilst the artist worked on beneath

Painting the bombsites

In blast ravaged London streets.

I close the portfolio

And travel back to now

Where war is still carves human meat

Oh time machine,

Please carry me off

To a future of freedom and peace.

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