Wednesday, January 18, 2023

the mistake of throwing

Many beings fly through air,

They don’t have to crawl on land

Or climb in trees 

Or swim in rivers, lakes or seas.

There are bats, bugs and birds,

Up there.

And frogs and squirrels may glide

On wings of stretched skin.

Landlocked apes like us

Have always looked up enviously

Since when we try to fly

We always fall disastrously.

Oh, how we yearn to be

A vulture circling, a falcon stooping

A swift slicing air like a blade.

But our big-brained heads

Are heavy with thought

So, we stay stuck on the floor

Yet, we have hands

So we can throw

And this is what we do.

Sticks, stones, and bones take flight,

Then followed by, when we knew how,

Spears, slingshot and arrows

After that rockets, musket balls, 

Bullets, planes and bombs

Flew to send

Billions to their tombs

Thus, it is our landlocked yearnings

End up setting our own cities burning

Wouldn’t it have been

Much, much better

If we’d just looked down

Like anteaters.

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