Sunday, June 05, 2022

Walking backwards

 Walking backwards is seldom a good idea

I did it once and stepped onto thin air

Which did not support me

So, I fell ten feet

And was lucky to get up again

With only bruises to recommend

Forward motion in and into the future.

I have considered making an exception for

Walking backwards time,

But, I’m unconvinced that

The past was ever better

And anyway, I can’t even

Walk backwards far enough

To unwrite these silly lines.

platinum jubilee of elizabeth windsor

 A tidal wave of sickly sweet, opiated syrup

Pours from the radio

And fills my unwilling ears up.

With more and more and more and more

Grovelling to the crown.

This fawning flow of obsequious deference rises

Until I fear I’ll drown

Beneath an ideological edifice

That I find obscene.

Or maybe I’m just jealous

That the lottery of heredity

Did not see fit to allot to me

The genes to be the queen.