Thursday, March 06, 2025


Hypnotised, watching the water swirl.

A lovely vortex forms above a plughole,

Bits of detritus begin to rotate,

Fragments of things that didn’t get ate.

There’s a currant in the current,

Along with other clutter washed off plates.

Trapped and twirled by gravity

Into a deep dark cavity,

Into the black hole beneath the kitchen sink;

Spun round, sucked down, gone in a blink;

Down through the pies and drains

And it’s never coming back again.

Or is it?

I have a suspicious misunderstanding

Of all this physics.

The planet I live on is rotating in space;

For all I know, it’s changing its place;

It might be one fragment in a massive whirlpool,

Irresistibly pulled into a cosmic plughole.





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