Gishgalloping copswallopers,
And disparaging
Bullshit spraying
Concoctors of
word-salad camouflage,
Chefs of
illusion, sauciers of poison,
polecat polemicists,
Ideological concoctors
fooling yourselves with
Nonsenses that
you intend others to lap up.
Puffers of
spurious smokescreens,
Priests of
the closed and comatose mind,
Offerers of
false comfort,
of straw effigies.
Carboot sellers
of second hand moral panics,
Singers of
mendacious elegies
Sometimes there
seems to be no one else than you,
But none of
this is new,
Lies are as
old as Adam,and older.
Baboons lie
to lions
And terns
feign broken wings to conceal their nests
Even flies
lie, pretending to be bees.
So why is
the current torrent of untruth
so distressing?
Could it be
that I have fallen for my own lies
About my honesty?
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