Sunday, October 09, 2022




If you get up early in summer,

You may see me, lazing

Sunbathing in the first rays

Of the day.

Lying, yawning, content, alone

On the lawn that you thought

That you rented or even owned,

You probably thought

It was part of your home;

But it’s not,

It’s mine

And I’ve been living here all the time

Making my bed

Under your garden shed.

This whole street of

Discreet little Englishperson’s castles

Clenched tight by suburban arseholes

Is not your land,

It’s mine

I hunt across it in my own time,

And you seldom see me

Unless I want you to

And I show myself so you can know clearly

Who is the true owner of the territory,

The urbane suburban fox,

My compliments, that’s me.

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