Sunday, April 14, 2024


Visit the suburb of Kingsbury to see

Private wealth and public squalor

Rubbing shoulders, uneasily.

High street traffic jammed with four by four

Petrol guzzlers and big new electric hybrids.

And the pretty signs on the lampposts

Above the cycle lanes tell us

How eco-friendly Kingsbury is.

This truth is confirmed as tired men

Recycle almost new attire,

Rummaging through the piles of discarded clothes

Outside the old clothes bin.

Some pick up trousers,

From the chewing gum stained pavement

Then hold them up against

The worn out strides

That they’re already wearing.

Families pass them by on their way

To the vegetarian restaurants and supermarkets,

Cars roll on regardless,

And wastebins overflow

Into the empty cycle lanes.



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