Thursday, September 21, 2023


I am an eagle

I live in a zoo

I don’t like it much

Neither would you

I sat on my perch

I stared at the wall

But I saw a sky

With no bars at all

I sat on my perch

I glared down at crowds

I dived in my mind

Between dreamed clouds

I sat on my perch

I shat on the floor

I tried to imagine

What it feels like to soar

Then god of eagles

Made good luck for me

One unlocked moment

Enough to fly free

But life uncaged

Was too short and sweet

Wide open sky

Killed dogs to eat

I sat in a tree

Didn’t know what to feel

Kept dreaming of bars

And regular meals

I sat in a tree

I knew I was tamed

No move to escape

When the dart gun was aimed

I am an eagle

I live in a zoo

I don’t like it much

Neither would you