Thursday, August 30, 2007

I am writing this with a mouse that has just eaten my brain (open letter to Quobble)

As a dead critic I am writing this with a mouse that has just eaten my brain and I would like to deplore the directionless neologism so typical of the neo-modern so called 'bloggospheriglobe' now displayed in the trite tractor-stewn pages of the so called shiny new shopping precint style zolan quobble website

You can cast your pods as far as you like and stick your feeds right up your RSS. What we need are the old classics that we used to ignore while drunk in upper rooms of Croydon pubs, some of these are sights of special scientific ignorance in their own right.

eg The Quobblishads
The Epic of Quobblamesh
The battle of the immovable leaf covered quobbles
Quobble's Cattle Raid
The Quobblignion
If you gave me a car