Saturday, May 01, 2021

dream within The walls of institutions


I can only dream within

The walls of institutions

And these are not always

Walls of concrete, brick or steel,

But they have become

So built into me,

That they contain

Whatever I think and feel.

I always dream

Of fearing that I might

Break a rule

Or fail to carry out

An assigned task

And  I always break and fail,

Until  I wake

Then remember what it is

What I really have to fail to do


Life eats life, and that is the law


I love pouring olive oil

In and out of bottles,

Because it is liquid sunlight,

I love drinking red wine,

Because it is the blood of Christ,

I love eating black pudding,

Because it is the blood of the Pig.

I love eating the liver of the lamb that died for me,

Because it is bloody.

Life eats life, and that is the law

I eat cheese that is alive,

I drink beer that is alive,

And death will eat me,

Render me down

And feed me back to more life