Thursday, January 10, 2019

shampoo bottle promises

Washing my hair,
I bellow like a mastodon,
Might have done,
And read
The promises written on my shampoo bottle
“Win Epic Trips And Thousands Of Prizes!”
It alleges.
I don’t really believe these pledges
But recycle the bottle,
And use them to make dreams,
To get me through thirty minutes or so,
Then I recycle the dreams too,
And dream of something else instead.

A great bustard

A great bustard
Strides with its flock
Along a fold in the land of
The high Iberian plains.
The flock walks with all the dignity of hidalgos,
Immaculately plumed in
Beige, russet, black, white and grey;
As befits the heaviest flighted bird
In the world.
The flock proceeds with long-legged strides,
Each one in the slow procession
Will pause, from time to time,
To peck grains or insects from the ground;
Whilst others look around
And if a human comes too close,
Or if the flock so decides;
They may all take flight,
Flashing bright white underwings
Across the wide sky
To another fold in the plains,
To begin the procession again.