Saturday, May 12, 2018

feeble consumer resistance

Sainsburys, oh Sainsburys,
Great grocer of Great Britain,
You sell me many things I need,
Such as paper to wipe my shit on.
You sell me carrots, you sell me soap,
And toothpaste, wine and fish;
And I could add item after item,
to this mundane list.
I’m not unusual, I am sure,
Some may buy less, some may buy more,
And when I read the words on your packaging, I doubt if I’m alone.
But recently that’s what I did,
whilst sitting on my porcelain throne.
“we’re sure you’ll love this product”,
Were the words that were inscribed,
on the unnecessary plastic wrapping
With my toilet paper inside
Now I love my relatives,
And I love my friends,
I love hearing swifts screaming in the sky,
I love watching poplars sway in the wind
And bright pebbles that please my eye.
It’s for me to decide
When told by my heart
Where I will direct my emotions
And I will not feel what I’m told to feel,
By a large and powerful grocer.
So Sainsburys, I’ll buy your produce
But I will not sell you my soul.,
And I’ll wipe my arse on your arsewipe,
But I’ll never love your toilet roll.