Seasons av all gorn wrong nah,
Down the tubes an up the spout,
We say, as we shiver in bus queues
In mid-May
There was an eatwave in February,
Young Buzzard flew in
Perched up a fruit tree
In a north London suburb
Sat mewing for mate
To make a nest together.
Gawd knows what
It thought it was going to eat
But the crows that run the sky round here
Chased the young buzzard away
Perhaps that annoyed god
Because he or she or both or neither or several has
been pissing on England
ever since.
Or at least since
The government officially
Announced that there was drought
he or she or both or neither or several has
Been pissing here almost dally
Takes a break
Nah an ven
pissing on England ,
Maybe goes off to drink some more
Ambrosia or soma I suppose
when it stops
scan the sky
for knife winged screaming riders
Up on
the cloud road
is the time that
should get here from Africa
sight of them so far
But last
night as another sodden gale blew in
thought I heard swifts screaming up high in the dark,
But I
might have been dreaming.
checked sky again day after day
it was a week till I was sure that I had seen
What I wanted to see
Six swifts slicing
Wide long blue skies
With black samurai wings
Not many
But at least enough
Had managed to
Come back home again.